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Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a wife, mum, sister, aunt, cousin, daughter, niece, friend, granny and much more! I am sold out on following Jesus and am passionate in finding ways to help others on their journey with God. I enjoy the outdoors - walking, swimming, eating, relaxing and simply breathing in fresh air! I am a morning person and enjoy watching the sun rise, hearing the morning birdsong and savouring the stillness of the morning before the busyness of the day begins. I enjoy travel - in particular, holidays in the sun. My ‘heart place’ is the beautiful island of Crete where I have spent many enjoyable holidays, finding peace and restoration in beautiful surroundings. I enjoy music, (particularly classical music), singing and playing the piano and clarinet when no one is listening!

I work part-time as Lay Assistant Pastor in Holy Trinity Church in Rathmines in Dublin where I have the privilege of helping in the pastoral care of our older parishioners. I am also a Diocesan Lay Reader in the diocese of Dublin and Glendalough which is the fulfilment of desire since I was a child. Having spent many years in different jobs that I really enjoyed, it’s wonderful to know that right now, I am exactly where God wants me to be.

Having spent 18 years on my own bringing up my children following the breakup of my first marriage, I met Joe Kelly in 2015 and we married in 2017. Between us, we have 7 grown up children (3 are mine and 4 are his!), five grandchildren (with another on the way!) and two beautiful cats called Jasper and Kasper. We are so blessed to have found each other and have a second chance at marriage at this stage of our lives. Love really is a wonderful thing.

We live in the WIcklow hills in Ireland, in the company of sheep farms and forests.

Ruth Gyves, January 2024

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Bring Hope is a not-for-profit venture.

We produce booklets and teaching videos.

Neither Ruth, nor anybody else on the Bring Hope team, receive any payment for producing the books and videos. We count it a privilege to be able to tell the story of how God wants to relate to you and hope that you will be blessed.

All funds received from book sales and donations go back into keeping costs low and distributing books at as near to cost as possible.

Bring Hope is a registered charity number: 20206378 CHY number: 22920


The message of our logo is of the new growth that God brings to our lives leading us to a place of freedom and joy

Our logo was designed by Angelo Nyamu, a graphic artist in Kenya, who can be contacted through